Olympic Games, are a beautiful and nostalgic happening; able to attract millions of fans and push the technological boundaries of entertainment through every opening ceremony. However, they bring along a major economical and social issue. These events have not faced any significant changes since their establishment, more than one century ago. Their problems are highlighted by enormous financial debts and empty venues to maintain.
Might time be mature for the emergence of permanent locations? Avoiding the quadrennial birth of white elephants (abandoned venues), one question still needs to be addressed: What will be the new and permanent Olympic architecture?
Olympicity explores this idea, proposing Tarvisio as the location for the Winter Games; an Alpine City between Italy, Austria and Slovenia, its borders have been blurred over time, presenting a European rather than national history, currently transforming from a trade‐based economy to a touristic one and as a result, facing depopulation.
The Olympic village instead of being a unique and remote location, is spread in several, taking advantage of existing situation (abandoned barracks) and redefining the security rings by questioning the concept of a security wall itself; creating a border that contains program.
Part of the Olympic program will be placed in the existing urban fabric to enhance the relation between athletes and citizens, implementing lack of structures and giving the people the possibility to use facilities used by Olympic heroes after the games.
Venues and stadiums will be fully integrated in the landscape and be usable by the locals also during the not Olympic time, their shapes will adapt to the surrounding and emphasize its context. Their unconventional geometry will allow paths for bikers and hikers and children to use them as if they were part of the landscape.
Beltrame Studio
Team: Luca Beltrame
Project location: Tarvisio, Italy
Year: 2017
Status: Proposal
Images: Beltrame Studio
Advisors: Kazuyo Sejima, Hannes Traupmann, Lucy Styles, Gregorio Lubroth, Indre Umbrasaite, Anna Gulinska